The presantion of the project “On the lion arms”

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The presantion of the project “On the lion arms”

A journey to discover the cultures

The representative of EDS Foundation

Mr. Andi Tepelena

The journalist of “Gazzettino” of Venice

Mr. Maurizio Crema

They are pleased to invite You

at the press conference in ocasion of the partecipating of Albania in the “On the lions arms” event – A journey to discover the cultures that will be held from 21-28 of July 2006 in coasts cityes of Albania

Friday, Aprile 14th, timetable 12.00

National Gallery of Art, Tirane

B.L.V “Dëshmorët e Kombit”

Speeches: Mr. Andi Tepelena, Mr. Maurizio Crema

co-organizers of the event “On the Lion`s Wings – un journey to discover the cultures”

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